Felt, hand felting and wooden banner poles

The community banner project was an overt attempt to engage the elderly residents.  Anchoring itself in traditional crafts it presented more recognisable and familiar modes of working.  

This project explored permanence and identity through embodied cultural heritage, a community identity manifest in an artefact, in this case a banner.

It was felt that the banner might have greater significance for the older people living within the community. It was hoped that even though the banner was in effect brand new it would have a sense of the developing history of the community for them in particular.

The production of the banner took place over several months - made entirely by hand using hand felting and stitching. The motif was based on a version of the local coat of arms and displaying the motto ’Veritas Vincit’ i.e. ‘Truth Conquers’. Once complete the banner was paraded at the head of the annual ‘Scottish Week’ parade and was a great source of pride and sense of achievement.

Lead artist

Jason Nelson

Participating artists

Bunty and Bella AKA
Jude Gove and Suzie Scott

The bulk of the work for this project was carried out and driven by Bunty and Bella.